Monday, May 2, 2011

Carnage and creation

Carnage and Creation

The carnage has ceased
The wind long since fallen limp
The fiery storm no longer orchestrating a rampage,
has abandoned its mission grim.
Tearing here, twisting there, brutally raging a scuffle everywhere.
The ruins are scattered like belongings in a careless teenager’s room.
Every wound open, the scars deep raw and bleeding, howling over the doom.
I sit there amidst the debris like a barmy in tatters.
The beautiful edifice collapsed, in batters.
The remains lay scattered, screaming , screeching , twisting in anguish.
This all that is left, a handful of sand from the castle, I languish. 
The past is gone and lost in time
No ramblings in if’s why’s and but’s  of life can ever bring it back alive.
So, I cling on to the relics like a mother cuddling her sick child in dark.
Never has been there a more urgent dread.
These remnants are mine to call, they never left my side.
What if even these fade?
Only these scraps were mine, the rest  just an illusion of a wandering mind.
There aren’t any roof to keep out the rain, but sun still shines bright and not in disdain.
I still can brave another day, build a structure on these snippets.
A modest  edifice, airy and clean, with room enough for all my dreams.


chingudi said...

That last line is brilliant. As is the rest of the poem.


Minakhee Mishra said...

Thx Bapuni....glad u liked it:))